Industry News
With the progress of science and technology, liquid nitrogen tanks are also applied in many fields, whether in life or in production, such as medical industry, biomedical industry, metal production industry and precision instruments.
1. Application in biomedical industry: At present, it is mainly used for semen preservation of cattle, sheep and other fine breeds of animals, as well as for long-distance transportation and medical vaccines, bacterial strains, cells and human and animal organs soaked in liquid nitrogen tank for long-term active preservation.
2. Application in metal production industry: cryogenic treatment of metal materials using liquid nitrogen stored in liquid nitrogen tanks can change the metallographic structure of metal materials and significantly improve the hardness, strength and wear resistance of metal materials.
Application of Precision Instrument Electronics Industry: The precision parts are assembled after cryogenic treatment with liquid nitrogen to improve the quality of parts assembly, thereby improving the performance of equipment or instrument.
3. Medical and health industry applications: using liquid nitrogen stored in liquid nitrogen container as refrigerant for surgery, treatment or refrigeration of frozen cells, tissues, etc. The cryotherapy instrument used in clinical departments of hospitals can replace surgery, which is safe, non-toxic, harmless and less painful, does not damage healthy tissues, and has good germicidal effect.
4. Application in the field of cosmetology: Ultra-low temperature of liquid nitrogen is mainly used to treat the skin surface. For example, surgical treatment, scars are often inevitable sequelae defects, while cryotherapy does not appear in these cases, and the effect is ideal.
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