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What are the factors affecting liquid nitrogen evaporation?
1. When all liquid nitrogen evaporates, the temperature in the container rises slowly.
2. The evaporation of liquid nitrogen will be affected by the way and time of using liquid nitrogen container.
3. Evaporation rate depends on the age, condition and mode of use of the container.
4. Opening or closing the container or moving will reduce its cooling efficiency.
5. You should check the liquid nitrogen content in the container at least once a week.
6. Liquid nitrogen containers are specially designed and constructed to withstand extreme changes in temperature involved in the treatment of liquid nitrogen.
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Address:Dongjichang Industrial Zone, west section of Hongli Avenue, Xinxiang City, Henan Province
Copy right:Henan Boss Liquid Nitrogen Container Co., Ltd.
Yu ICP Prepared 19008292
Yu ICP Prepared 19008292